on long trips, this affliction nancson has - his incessant chattering would make us want to pull over to a rest stop and offer him up to the first deaf family we could find...j/k...
when he and zgirl got old enough to know what money was we decided to give a dollar or so to whichever could stay quiet the longest on some of our longer trips - zgirl would make the zippenzeelippenzee motion across her mouth, sit back in her carseat and be quiet for nine or ten hours.
all the while, nancson would be going on, "i'm going to get that dollar - i'm going to be so quiet you won't hear even a peep out of me - and i'll win that dollar because i'm not going to say a word - nosiree - not one word - why you'll be so surprised at just how quiet i can be, mama - you just watch - see me being quiet? yep - i'm much more quiet than zgirl - just listen to me NOT saying a word!" and, so it would go for two or three hundred miles...
...oh boo...

graphic courtesy rlvdotzcachedotcom.