Tuesday, October 14, 2008


although i do not remember the exact date, i do recall it must have been about this time of year many, many years ago - 20+ perhaps...maybe more...

pop was openly flirting with me amidst some friends and i said something to him to shut him down while waving my hand at him in a shoo manner.

needless to say, it was less than a year before we were together as a "couple". when we fell head first into love, he told me that when i said what i said to him way back when, "i was HAUNTED! it was like OH BOO!"

he still gets "haunted" and it's been the best ride. my heart is so full of him that i could burst at any given point during each and every day.

longrange saw the first recordings of our family "oh boo" moments and i thank warren for relinquishing his otherwise fine blog to my silliness.

what will follow in the days, weeks, months and hopefully years to come will be a ride y'all'll (yes, i know it's not a real word) enjoy as much as i've come to enjoy and treasure over time.

provided we're not overwhelmed with them, i'll be posting a new "oh boo" moment and a reprisal from longrange on a weekly basis. feel free to share your own!

NOTES: if you do not see yourself on the BBLOG list, please let me know if you'd like to be added - i originally had about 40 blogs in there and somehow lost them all by not saving as i went along - could they make this any easier?