Thursday, August 27, 2009


pop, "um, son? would you mind picking the garden for me today and concentrate on the green beans and whatever else you see that is ready?"

"sure pop!"

although this is but some of the bounty from our garden, it's not exactly what nancson picked THAT day...

i was up on the patio when i looked down and saw nancson holding the following squash in his hands - i said, "HEY! THAT'S POP'S PRIZEWINNING SQUASH HE WANTS TO ENTER IN THE FAIR IN AUGUST!"

...first oh boo...

nancson got a look on his face like he was about to become supper, turned around, bent over and went to RE-place THE PRIZEWINNING SQUASH back where he'd plucked it from the vine and said, "pop'll never notice!"

...second oh boo...

"son - how much more do you think it will grow if you just set it back down in the vine?"

...standing ovation oh boo...